MODEL Ventus 3000
VENTUS 3000 is equipped with up to 12 ventilation modes to meet various clinical applications.
Wide selections including advanced ventilation modes VS & PSV-S/T are available for improving the efficiency of treatment.
Spiro Ventilator
Designed for newborns, Spiro Ventilator offers a professional non- invasive nasal ventilation mode with advanced apnea wake- up function, automatic leak compensation function and soon.
IFlow closed- loop pressure control system delivers high- precision, safe fresh gas to protect fragile new life. Humanized operating system closely integrated with clinical practice streamline workflow for medical staff. Integrated solution with SNIPPV/NIPPV, NCPAP and HFNCventilation modes.
Transport Ventus 3000
The integrated high-performance turbine provides pneumatic performance that can match any compressed-airbased ICU ventilator.
The built-in power unit can not only generate higher pressure but also support continuous O2 concentration and various auxiliary ventilation tools.
Oscillometry detects airway obstructions and provides unique insights into lung function. Studies show combining it with spirometry enhances asthma and COPD detection.
Just tidal breathing. No forced breathing maneuvers are needed.
Easy-to-use & very fast.
Reversibility & provocation testing. Templates for provocation and reversibility testing are excellent for identifying pre/post changes.
Semiautomatic calibration verification. Daily verification (lasts 30 seconds) of the device which ensures accurate measurements and long-term stability.
Suitable for pediatric and geriatric use.
The tremoflo® measures:
– Airway resistance: the ease or difficulty of airflow through the airways.
– Airway reactance: this means it measures the elasticity or stiffness of the airways.
– Other parameters: tremoflo® can also measure other parameters, such as resonant frequency, which measures the natural frequency of the airways, and the frequency dependence of resistance and reactance.
Calibration-free ultrasonic spirometer.
Complies with CDC distance guidelines (more than 6 feet)
Easy to clean, with no screens, keyboards, or buttons.
Standard measuring applications: FVC – Forced Vital Capacity, SVC – Slow Vital Capacity, MVV- Maximum Voluntary Ventilation.
Fully adheres to ATS/ERS guidelines.
Generates personalized reports with measurements and physician information.
User-friendly and easy to operate.
Portable for convenience and mobilit.
High precision using advanced ultrasound technology.
Uses economical, hygienic, and environmentally safe ScoutTube mouthpieces.
VELA™ Ventilator
The Carefusion (Viasys) Vela Ventilator provides the information you need, when you need it. Standard features include a parallel printer port, VGA output, a nurse call port for remote alarm capability and data output port for graphic and information systems. The Vela offers a full range of ventilation choices, the performance to support your challenging patients and the flexibility to add valuable options to suit the needs of your changing practice today and into the future.
Product Description
Pediatric through Adult ventilation, a host of impressive features, all neatly packaged in a compact mobile ventilator.
Patented turbine technology for optimized response times and impressive flow and pressure capabilities provide you with the power to support your most challenging patients.
Improved patient-ventilator synchrony and low work of breathing are possible through highly responsive inspiratory flow support.
Vela's reliable, robust platform, including proven turbine performance means reduced downtime and low operating costs.
A patented exhalation valve, driven by a linear-actuated voice coil, Bicore(r) sensor technology and proven algorithms provide consistently accurate volume delivery. Precise monitoring is essential for clinical effectiveness and patient safety.
Vela's six-hour internal battery and turbine technology provide independence from compressors and wall air for the ultimate in mobility and uninterrupted ventilatory support.
Vela provides you with the flexibility and safety that you demand. Impressive standard features include a high pressure oxygen inlet with blender, a low pressure oxygen inlet with accumulator, integrated FiO2 monitoring and continuous display of delivered FiO2 with high and low alarm settings.