MODEL Discovery 5000

With cutting edge technology and high performance, this system becomes a
reliable partner in the OR for a vast range of surgeries. Professional diagnostic and treatment platform delivers the optical performance for wider application.

Digital Mammography System

MODEL Mir 6000

With the improvement of people’s life and women’s consciousness of health, Digital Mammography System is becoming a routine examination device in hospital.In order to meet the needs of market, Hedy Swan Series digital mammography system was launched; it integrates great image quality, flexible operation, good examination experience and beautiful design in one system. It is a special designed product for Women healthcare and it will bring a brand new experience on digital diagnosis of breast.


MODEL Ingenuity Plus

With cutting edge technology and high performance, this system becomes a
reliable partner in the OR for a vast range of surgeries. Professional diagnostic and treatment platform delivers the optical performance for wider application.

Portable X-RAY 

MODEL Challenger 5200

Challenger 5200 is a high frequency mobile X-ray radiography system, suitable for radiology department, orthopedics, ward, emergency room, operating room, ICU and other departments.

With flexible movement, easy operation, high efficiency, to meet the radiography for all of human body’s parts, such as head, limbs, chest, spine, lumbar vertebrae, abdomen, etc.

Challenger 5300

Challenger 5300 is a high frequency mobile flat-panel digital X-ray radiography system, suitable for radiology department, orthopedics, ward, emergency room, operating room, ICU and other departments.

With flexible movement, easy operation, high efficiency, to meet the radiography for all of human body’s parts, such as head, limbs, chest, spine, lumbar vertebrae, abdomen, etc.

Portable X-RAY 

MODEL Pioneer 2500

Pioneer 2500 is high frequency combined digital X ray radiography medical diagnostic equipment, it is used in radiography depart ment, orthopedics, wards, emergency room, operation room, ICU, etc.

It can satisfy the requirement of parts of body such as head, limbs, chest, spine, stomach






Focused on improving everyday practice and solely led by your needs, ARCADIS Varic incorporates numerous unique to-the-point solutions. From image quality to operability, from versatility to efficiency, the groundbreaking features of ARCADIS Varic set new benchmarks for a Siemens C-Arm – with outstanding functionalities that make perfect imaging a snap and an overall ergonomic concept that redefines your clinical workflow in many fields of practice.

Precise imaging and perfect visualization

Easy operation

Improved clinical workflow

Maximum flexibility in data handling

Truly digital navigation with NaviLink 2D

Perfectly thought-out and fully digital for outstanding image quality

High performance for demanding applications

Making acquisition a snap with EASY

Uncompromising performance in visualization

Straightforward operation right from the start


MOBILETT XP is the advanced analog mobile X-ray system which combines remarkable imaging power and quality with easy mobility and high operator comfort.

MOBILETT XP Hybrid (30 kW), is the versatile mobile X-ray system working both from battery and mains power. It offers motor-assisted driving for highest mobility.

MOBILETT XP (30 kW)*, like the Hybrid, Mobilett XP is extremely powerful and thus ideally suited for long lasting procedures. It is supplied with a mains connection and offers easy manual maneuverability.

MOBILETT XP Eco (20 kW)*, is the mobile X-ray imaging solution for facilities with lower imaging power requirements.

Lightweight and compact mobile X-ray system with one of the largest arm ranges in the industry

Short exposure times down to 1 ms – virtually eliminating any motion blurring

Integrated cable design for easy cleanability

Fujifilm Type CC Cassettes


The FCR Carbon is small and powerful. You get all the productivity and image quality of a full-size CR system in a size that fits in every imaging environment.

The Carbon XL-2 offers a speed of up to 92 images an hour and image previews in as little as 23 seconds.  The XL-2 also features a 50 Micron Reading Mode* to achieve exceptional high resolution at low doses — ideal for extremity exams or anywhere that seeing fine details is critical.

Carestream CR Cassette for  CR

Carestream CR Cassette with GP-2 imaging plate for POC CR

For use with Carestream / Legacy Kodak POC 120, POC 140, POC 360 and DirectView Vita CR Systems.

Guardian Lead Aprons 

Guardian offers Radiation Protection to protect Medical Imaging Personnel and other healthcare workers who work in radiology from the harmful effects of radiation scatter. This new line of protection is manufactured from the highest quality materials and is designed to provide maximum protection from x-ray radiation. Ordering your radiation protection items has never been so easy. Our Front Protection Flexback Apron and our Vest & Skirts both come with a FREE Thyroid collar to protect your sensitive thyroid gland and a name place holder. No need for permanent monogramming. Change the name of the user, or the room # as needed. These garments tend to run on the large side, so check our sizing chart for your proper fit. We are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of protection and we stand behind our products. Order your new protective garments today.

Portable Spider Apron Rack

Totally portable spider style apron rack. The rack holds up to 8 aprons. An exceptionally mobile rack designed to be used where space is at a premium.